.vue .jsx .kt .dart .py .go …
Syntax Highlight & Line Number
Code Theme & Dark Mode
Markdown, Jupyter
Math typesete
Code Syntax Highlight
.zip, .7z, .gz, .rar, .tar
Display file name, size, date.
avif, eps
Display image size
Render mode, Phsics, Bounding boxes, Wireframe, Skeleton, etc
README, Podfile, LICENSE, Gemfile
Many more
You can customize the quickLook preview style on the preferences page, such as code highlighting theme, TAB width and line number display. You can also set the 3d model's rendering mode, animation configuration, etc
1. The iPreview app is disable under system extensions. You can enable iPreview in System Preferences > Extensions.
2. Another application is handling the preview instead of iPreview.
3. Relaunch the Finder.
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